terça-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2012

Palestra de José Miguel Wisnik – Clarice Lispector

O vídeo abaixo traz, na íntegra, a conferência de José Miguel Wisnik sobre Clarice Lispector realizada no dia 10 de dezembro de 2011, no Instituto Moreira Salles do Rio de Janeiro. Nesse dia, comemorou-se a data de nascimento da escritora (1920-1977) em uma série de eventos intitulada Hora de Clarice. Ao lado de outras várias instituições, o IMS também prestou sua homenagem na ocasião. Wisnik é ensaísta, professor de literatura brasileira na USP e compositor e falou no IMS sobre importantes obras da escritora, como Laços de família, A legião estrangeira e A hora da estrela.

Veja o vídeo no link: http://blogdoims.uol.com.br/ims/palestra-de-jose-miguel-wisnik-clarice-lispector/

sábado, 7 de janeiro de 2012


Guiado pelos escritos deixados por Virginia Woolf (principalmente seus diários e cartas), Herbert Marder compôs uma alentada biografia da autora, em dezoito capítulos. O livro concentra-se nos últimos dez anos de vida de Virginia Woolf, até seu suicídio, em 1941, durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Apesar de fundamentada numa ampla pesquisa histórica e documental, a narrativa de Herbert Marder é clara e fluente.

A obra destaca a participação da escritora nos acontecimentos políticos da época, sua revolta contra a discriminação das mulheres e a interação com os amigos que formavam o chamado Círculo de Bloomsbury (escritores e intelectuais que se reuniam na casa de Virginia Woolf no bairro londrino de Bloomsbury, como o poeta T. S. Eliot, o crítico de arte Roger Fry e o economista Maynard Keynes).

segunda-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2012

Gay friendly B&B - Rio de Janeiro

Private room with attached bathroom and studio, neo-colonial home in the charming neighborhood of Santa Teresa, Rio de Janeiro. House built in 1890, completely renovated. I live with my husband. Place very well located, close to downtown, 10 minutes from Santos Dumont airport, easy access to the beaches of Copacabana, Ipanema and Leblon. 
Included breakfast and wi-fi. 
The room has Queen super comfortable bed, two windows offering a beautiful view of the city, and nice lighting and ventilation and curtains. 
The studio has table and lamp for studying and working, bookcase with books and DVDs and access to wi-fi. 
The kitchen is fully equipped and can be used at will. 
The living room has cozy armchairs and LCD TV 40 "with access to Fox, CNN, BBC, etc.

The district of Santa Teresa started next to a convent on Morro do Desterro, Rio de Janeiro, in the 18th century.
Located high on a hill, surrounded by other hills like the one featuring the
famous Christ's statue, bordering the biggest urban forest of the world, the area enjoys cooler, fresher air than most of Rio, and it offers an oasis of peace and quiet just inside Rio.
Set on a hillside in the center of the city, it seems to have stopped in time maintaining, as it has for decades, preserved features of Old Rio and a bit of history in each corner.
Writers and artists have always been seduced by the district’s call to internal life and to its architectural and cultural treasures, visible to the eye and cherished by the heart. A symbol of counterculture and of the art shown in its many studios and ateliers, any artistic expression finds its home in Santa, as its admirers prefer to call it. Everything that exists in Santa Teresa and that is known about it is also part of the history of Rio. To the visitor, however, it seems like a place apart with its own characteristics.
The narrow and winding streets with the old tramcars, the last to be found in the whole of Brazil, are one more singular attraction. The charming vehicles, which date from the 19th century, were moved by animal traction at first and later by electricity. Survivors of romantic times, they are now protected as historical heritage and still go along perfectly preserved tracks taking visitors to a re-reading of the past.
Better still, all this tranquility is 5 minutes from Lapa, the bohemian neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro.

Make your reservation on the link - http://pt.airbnb.com/rooms/257682